Monday, August 23, 2010


haven't update for quite some time. been busy with things. yeah lame excuse. *sigh*
nothing much to update just want to express my feelings~ i dunno what to do anymore. my weight seems to be increasing day by day especially my tummy. feels like i'm pregnant! OMG am so embarrassed. but what should i do? even when i did my slimming treatment i can't see the differences!! urghhhh. but still i hope during this holy month i could lose a few kg's. amin...


Ciao Annin said...

Hmmm... If you did started your slimming treatment, just put more and more effort to lose more kgs. Bulan puasa nih boleh membantu.

Ada lagi 9 hari! Usaha! :D

x o x o said...

unfortunately i've stopped my slimming treatment a few mths ago. buang duit je rasa ;(

Ciao Annin said...

Yeke? Xde pape perubahan ke after few treatments?

Sekarang macam mana maintain nak loose weight?

nad said...
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x o x o said...

ade la sket perubahan. tp tu pon awal2.. after that mmg kne diet + buat slimming. if not berat maintain cmtu je. so sbnrnye diet tu yg buat berat trn. bukan slimming treatment 100%. tak larat nak diet lame2. heee ;)

dah lama tak timbang. takut jugak rasa. sblm puasa hari tu ade la g gym jap. so pasni kalo nak maintain maybe wat exercise je kot? hee ;p

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